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Can the laminate floor be milled with water?

LEKOL 2024-03-11
Can the laminate floor be milled with water?

There are many types of flooring materials today, among which reinforced composite flooring has become the first choice for many families because of its easy installation, beautiful appearance and affordable price. However, many consumers have certain doubts about whether the reinforced composite floor can be milled with water. So, can the laminate floor be milled with water? Find out today!


First of all

To understand the structure of laminate flooring. The reinforced composite floor is composed of four layers: the surface layer is a wear-resistant layer, the second layer is a decorative layer, the middle layer is a substrate layer, and the bottom layer is a moisture-proof balance paper. Among them, the wear-resistant layer is the surface of the reinforced composite floor, which can prevent scratching and wear, which is what we usually call the waterproof layer. Therefore, laminate flooring can be cleaned using a small amount of water.



There are a few things to pay attention to when using water to mop the floor. Although laminate flooring can be cleaned with water, it is not necessary to use a lot of water to mop the floor. Excessive water may penetrate into the cracks in the floor, causing the substrate layer to absorb water and expand, resulting in floor deformation and even uneven laying. Therefore, when using water for cleaning, soaking and excessive amounts of water should be avoided. It is best to choose the way of wet dragging, wipe the floor with a wet mop and clean the ground.


Cleaning and maintenance

Floor cleaning and maintenance products, such as floor cleaners, floor maintenance agents, etc. These products can better protect the floor, extend the life of the floor, while also maintaining the beauty and luster of the floor.


On the whole

The reinforced composite floor can be moped with water, but pay attention to the amount of water not too much, to avoid soaking and long-term wet. At the same time, the use of professional floor cleaning and maintenance products can better protect the floor and extend the service life.



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